I don’t plan on delivering forever. Thus, I have a Pizza Delivery bucket list. I didn’t come up with it before I started delivering. The crazy stories I have heard and the crazier people I have met and worked with have spawned it. Here it is, in no particular order: Receive a $100 tip. Receive a non-money money tip, such as a gift card or a coupon for something. Deliver to the same customer as another pizza company. Have an order so big, it takes two trips. Have a customer call in a compliment on my service. Last night, I got to cross one off the list. I don’t work Tuesday nights on a regular basis. I talked to Cap’n about switching this week’s Wednesday shift for Tuesday. Amazewife had a Church engagement. She worked it out for me. I joined the team and delivered till 9 PM. My last delivery was to a familiar apartment complex. It towers above the Old Market just off of Jones St. I was the only delivery vehicle there. I parked my car creatively, threw on my hazards and called...
The stories of a man working hard to achieve financial peace.