A 63 year old Domino’s delivery driver died outside an apartment in Birmingham, AL on Sunday. "My Father was simply trying to earn an honorable dollar. He didn't feel entitled for it, he worked for it, and it makes me sick to my core how someone felt they were entitled to his money (and drivers never carry much, he always deposits it every time he runs back to the store) or his life over what? $20? My dad’s life was ended for $20??? I can't bear it. I just can't believe it," his daughter said on the site. That story stuck out Monday. It was plastered all over a private driver’s group I’m a part of. I saw it on my phone. I even got a message from a friend on Facebook. “Stay safe,” he said. He included a link to the story. “I saw that. Sad,” I said. Those law enforcement officials will do their best to solve that crime. I’m sure of it. The Pizza Delivery Driver’s Forum has opened my eyes to how bad this problem is. (I am affiliated with the forum as a contri...
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