Guess what we did a couple of weeks ago? We got out of debt. Completely.
We don't have a mortgage. We don't owe any money on any vehicles. We have no student loan debt, nor medical debt.
So now what?
Developments so far.
I haven't delivered pizzas in months. I miss it. Now that I don't deliver pizzas, I qualify for better rates on long-term disability insurance. My bro-in-law is thinking about doing it, and I told him I could help him land a job.
In other news, one of our cars got totaled. Rather than buy another car for a couple thou-, I spent $142 not-thou at the Omaha Community Bike Project and bought a bike.
Now I bike to work. G'head and follow me on Strava.
It feels awesome. Not biking. Well yes biking. But I bike with a little more freedom knowing I'm not carrying around any debt. I also work with that same freedom. I sleep at night enjoying it as well.
What's next?
The next step in the plan is to set up a 3-6 month emergency fund. This helps in the case of any large, catastrophic event and removes further drama from our lives.
The average household spends $2,000-$3,000 in normal living expenses every month. Do the math.
How much are most deductibles? How much are cars? How much are air conditioners, roofs (if not insured) or other such things? If you answered, "Usually less than 3-6 months worth of expenses," then you'd be correct.
Most of us know what it feels like to be hit with a sudden expense. Do you remember how it felt? The pain, the disappointment, the frustration? Even hopelessness? And usually more debt to go with it, because as CBS recently pointed out, most Americans can't handle a $500 surprise bill.
With a big emergency fund in place, stupid drama melts away. Like, more than it already has by not being in debt.
But what about the stories?
I know, right? My pizza adventures were fun, but I still have cool experiences.
The other day I was on the way to work when a stinky garbage truck pulled out into the unpaved road ahead of me. I couldn't smell it yet, but I knew it was coming. A cloud of dust whipped up as I approached.
The man on the back of the truck yelled.
"Sorry about the dust."
The dust? What about smelling it all day?
I waved him off. "No sweat man," I said.
"I guess that's just how life is sometimes," he responded in a loud voice. He put a dirty boot on the ground as the truck came to a stop and reached for a full can. I moved to pass the truck.
"You got it. Have a good day," I said.
He was right. Sometimes life is dusty. Sometimes it smells bad. Sometimes both. But you've got a job to do, so keep moving.
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